“Seest thou a man diligent in his business”? The answer is Yes!

The recent appointment of Dr. Eric Egwuibe as the Mayor of the ‘Obingwa’ Local Government area of Abia State by Governor Alex Otti, answers the Holy Book question in the affirmative. And for the people of ‘Obingwa’ this is one of the best things to happen to them in the recent political dispensations.

Be it what it will, whether in his career, for himself or for the people before now Eric has exhibited his diligence, industry and passion to serve his people. He is swift, ready, expeditious and cheerfully pursues to attend and serve the people.

His second name or motto could pass as ‘ Mr. Action, Accountability, and Result’

As a Chartered Accountant and with a Ph.D. in Finance Egwuibe is an astute planner and a high-level resources manager having been at the helm of affairs in finance and resources management of top multi-national oil companies and budget planning of the Abia state government before his recent appointment as a Mayor.

According to Mark Anthony in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, …

“the good is oft interred with their bones”

Meaning that sometimes, the noble acts often go unheralded or even when noticed fade away easily in people’s remembrance. But here we say that the good deeds people do follow and speak for them.

For Egwuibe, his good-hearted compassionate acts, achievements and service to his people speak loudly. Below are just a few out of his numerous accomplishments;

As a devout Christian, he has practically demonstrated his open-hearted and charity gestures by giving financial donations in support of various Churches in his community for the work of God and has especially supported the widows and orphans both financially and with material resources.

He built and donated an ultra-modern 300-capacity Civic Center Hall for his people, the Nenu autonomous community.

Dr. Eric Egwuibe has been a great advocate and Champion of the Empowerment of the Youth for meaningful activities, Sports, Education, skill acquisition and for a gainful means of livelihood. His recent engagement and pact with the Obingwa Youth Development Forum under the leadership of a very dynamic innovative and audacious Youth leader, Hon. Uzoma Amaechi for a training and skill acquisition program for the Youth  and Workers of ‘Obingwa’ L.G.A, under the scheme;

Urban and Rural Infrastructural Development Initiative Scheme (URISDIS) & Indigents Free Basic Building and Civil Works Training (IFBCWT) is a modest program patterned after what works for the Youths and Municipal councils in Europe and other developed countries of the world.

In less than 100 days as the ‘Mayor’ he has embarked on the grading of roads for the rural communities in the ‘Obingwa’ L.G.A.

Mayor Eric Egwu is no doubt ‘a Game Changer’  and when you have such a man who is not very common in the saddle, you may without a Prophet and prophecy foresee that in no distant time ‘Obingwa’ will soon become a model for Local governments in Nigeria and Africa in terms of innovations and laudable achievements under Dr. Eric Egwuibe ‘A Mayor The Cap Fits’

By: Uchendu Precious Onuoha


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